Sambla Group

“Honestly, it’s a joy to work at Sambla Group”


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Foto: Felicia Yllenius

Can employees really wake up and be excited to go to work every day? They can if you ask the employees at Sambla Group.

Sambla is one of the leading comparison platforms for consumer loans and mortgages in Northern Europe. But they’re also spearheading in employee satisfaction. We spoke to Business Intelligence Developer, Gelaye Holmér and Head of Insurance Platform, Diego Zanlorenzi.

Satisfied co-workers are always on the agenda and a highly prioritised topic at Sambla. But what is it that makes the culture truly stand out? 


– The energy is high, and we take the opportunity to do things as a group. There’s a togetherness that everyone puts energy into. The core values at Sambla are trustworthy, social and ambitious and it translates into how people act here, says Diego.

– I tell my friends that if they want to wake up and feel excited to go to work they should join our company, says Gelaye.

Gelaye Holmér

Titel: Business Intelligence Developer 

Utbildning (skola och examensår): Dalarna University, MS in Business Intelligence, 2022.

What culture shocks did you experience when you moved to Sweden?

“I was shocked by the quiet in Sweden. I was born and raised in Ethiopia in a very noisy city. When I came here it was so quiet that I started talking in whispers in my own apartment. Now when I go to Ethiopia I tell people to keep it down.” 

High levels of knowledge-sharing and professional development opportunities are recurring themes in the reasons they enjoy their workplace.

– We have a knowledge-sharing routine where we show something we’ve learned every week. It’s like an open mic that makes it a very joyful place to work. I never thought it was possible to learn as much as I have in such a short time, says Gelaye. 

Frequent “after works”, abundant breakfasts, generous benefit packages, ping pong and board games a plenty, Diego and Gelaye paint a picture of what sounds like a super fun place for tech professionals. But they emphasise that the true success to their strong culture is the trust from leadership that fosters ambition and creativity.

Diego Zanlorenzi

Titel: Head of Insurance Platform

Utbildning (skola och examensår): Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco, BA in Information Systems, 2016.

What culture shocks did you experience when you moved to Sweden?

“For me it was weird that everyone takes their shoes off indoors, which is not very common in Brazil. Now I’m that person who insists that people take their shoes off”. 

 – Honestly, it’s a joy to work at Sambla Group. I was trusted with really important projects from the very beginning. Now that I’m in a senior role I make sure that my team has the same experience I did – forwarding the Sambla DNA, says Diego.


– Everyone is cooperative, creative and wants to contribute – and our managers say “go for it”. It gets you thinking “how can I improve the product more?”. When I first started, I thought “WOW this is how every workplace should be,” says Geyale.

Text: Katarina Gunnerholm

Sambla Group

Sambla Group är en fintech-koncern bestående av sex varumärken för lånjämförelse i Sverige, Danmark, Norge och Finland. Sedan starten 2011 har man hjälpt privatpersoner att jämföra och samla lån för att få bättre villkor.

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