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“At SKF I am entrusted with being an active change agent”


2 minutes

Foto: Julia Sjöberg

Meneka Karehalli has always been intrigued by what humans are able to invent to improve life. Currently, her journey at SKF is taking her across the world, from Germany to Sweden and Australia.

Originating from a family deeply passionate about aviation, Meneka Karehalli´s fascination for technology and engineering developed at an early age. Her journey at SKF has provided her with invaluable experience in diverse domains, including product development and innovation.

Meneka Karehalli

Titel: Project Manager engineer

Education (skola och examensår): Graduated 2022 with a degree in Production

Engineering and Management from the University of Bremen, Germany.

What do you prefer to do on a day off? I like a mix of rest and relaxation as well as a small challenge. For instance, this could mean sleeping in and then trying out a new sport, spending time with my family and friends or finding time to work on my language skills.

Tell me more about your journey at SKF!

– I did my internship at a factory that makes gearboxes in Bremen, Germany. It was interesting and I interacted with machine elements from SKF every day. In 2022 I applied to SKF’s global graduate program in manufacturing development. I completed my first rotation in Germany, followed by Sweden, and my final rotation is in Australia. I initially started as a project manager, but now I work in the field of innovation, which I thoroughly enjoy.

What first drew you to engineering?

– My whole family are aviation enthusiasts, and I have always been fascinated by how machines and technology works and how raw material is turned into products. It’s like a technical Cinderella story to witness a material turn into something completely different and functional. This fascination is why I started studying production engineering in the first place.

“The key to empowering women in these fields begins with education.”

What makes you enjoy working at SKF?

– One of the many reasons is its global presence in 129 countries. There are numerous opportunities for both career and personal development worldwide. For instance, I have visited a SKF site in Bangalore and it was fascinating to see that despite the geographical distance, the SKF spirit remained consistent even in India.  Additionally, I appreciate the level of responsibility entrusted to me within my field. I have the chance to collaborate with external partners and design and conduct workshops that drive innovation.

Why should young female talents consider applying to SKF?

– SKF offers great opportunities for me and my female colleagues to learn and advance in our careers. Progress is constant. An example of this is our global graduate group, comprising individuals selected from all around the world. For the first time, we have 6 women and 5 men so the women are in majority.

How do you envision the future regarding gender equality and career opportunities?

– Traditionally, men have dominated the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), but the narrative is evolving. Women are equally capable as men but often hold themselves back. I believe that empowering women in these fields begins early on, with education. Encouraging girls to be confident in handling science and math is crucial. Leadership is another critical aspect. SKF has several outstanding female minds and leaders, and I firmly believe that’s an ongoing trend, both at SKF and in these industries in general.

Text: Sara Steinholtz Sparby


SKF, grundat 1907, är ett globalt företag med huvudkontor i Göteborg, Sverige. Med verksamhet i cirka 130 länder och över 40 000 anställda, är SKF en viktig aktör inom många olika industrier. Företaget erbjuder ett brett sortiment av produkter och tjänster, inklusive lager, tätningar, smörjsystem, tillståndsövervakningsutrustning och olika tjänster. SKF:s lösningar kan finnas överallt där det sker rörelse, vilket gör dem till en integrerad del av både människors och företags vardag. Med erfarenhet från över 40 industrier kan SKF erbjuda skräddarsydda partnerskap genom att kombinera sina olika teknologiplattformar. En av företagets största styrkor är dess förmåga att ständigt utveckla nya teknologier för att skapa värdeskapande lösningar. Dessa lösningar ger kunderna konkurrensfördelar och bidrar samtidigt till en hållbar global samhällsutveckling.

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