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Foto: Business Sweden
The opportunity to work in an international environment for an employer that is open to all sorts of people and cultures is what attracted Ghia Yuson to Business Sweden.
Ghia Yuson began her career at Business Sweden in Manila back in 2018. Today she is Project Manager at the organization’s Singapore office.
Ghia Yuson
Title: Project Manager.
Education: Industrial Economics, University of Asia and the Pacific, 2010.
– I’m part of a supply chain transformation program for a major Swedish company in the Asia Pacific. We are functioning as their project management office. Since this is a greenfield project, this also means that we are building a big operation from zero. These kinds of execution and implementation projects are very hands-on. For someone like me, who has a heavy finance and investment background, this type of hands-on work becomes very fun and enjoyable
– Most consultants have several ongoing projects. On average, it could vary between three to ten at the same time, but the level of engagement for each of these projects varies depending on which role I take. Even though I’m physically based in Singapore now and cover regional projects, I also still cover the Philippines from here, so for example I’m working on a sustainable transportation solutions project in Manila together with the local team.
”Some projects are very hands on”
– One of the major pull factors for me was Business Sweden’s focus on inclusivity and diversity. It is an organization that is open to all sorts of people, ideas, and cultures.
– For example, we have had something called a “random fika”, which means that you are matched with a random colleague who you get together with over coffee in order to get to know each other better. Even among colleagues, there have been a lot of social initiatives – everything from meeting over Teams for a chat, to organizing a Friday quiz. I actually think I have gotten to know more of my colleagues over the last 12 months, than I have during the three years that I have been working for Business Sweden. It might have to do with the fact that I’m an introvert. Lock-down has in a way forced me out of my shell.
3 tips for someone who wants to work for Business Sweden?
1. Don’t shy away from challenges. The work will be very challenging, but that is ok because that is how you grow.
2. Be open to collaboration. I’ve always been a lone wolf and it was not until I started working for Business Sweden that I really appreciated being part of a team.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. As they say, there are no stupid questions
– Business Sweden has 44 offices in 4 regions around the world so the opportunities to go further within the company are definitely not limited. For example, I started out as a management consultant at our Manila office, and now I have this regional role in Singapore.
Business Sweden
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