Framtidens kvinnor


“The focus will be on the expertise you bring to the table”


Reading time approximately 2 min

Foto: Julia Sjöberg

In her global IT role at SKF, Malonie Guha makes sure that the organization has a security-first mindset.

When her partner was offered an exciting role in Gothenburg, Malonie Guha decided to leave London – and a career in Retail and FinTech – to move there with him. Today she is Head of Cyber Security Design and Implementation at SKF – a Swedish leading global manufacturing company.

Tell us about your role!

– My role is to ensure, by advocating for the best practices, that cybersecurity becomes a shared responsibility within the organization and all digital solutions are built with a security-first mindset. Products built with security by design have a long lasting efficiency and stability. I work in one of the core functions of SKF hence have the amazing opportunity to collaborate in the global space.

Malonie Guha

Titel: Head of Cyber Security and Implementation, Infrastructure and IT Security Services.

Utbildning (skola och examensår): Computer Programming, London Academy of Excellence, 2009. Advanced Languages and Analytics, King’s College London, 2011. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Automation, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, 2012.


 What do you enjoy most about living in Gothenburg? “In London it took more than an hour to get to work (on a good day!). Here it only takes 15-20 minutes. I love the work-life balance that I have here.”

What were you doing before you took on your current role?

I joined SKF as a consultant in 2019 but was offered a permanent position within the first six months. I started working as a Quality Manager and gradually transitioned into a more global role.

”Always believe in the power of being inspired by people around you”

What do you do to get more women into tech careers?

– I have been passionate about this topic since university; advocating technical roles and career opportunities to fresh women graduates, and acting as a mentor in non-profit organizations. I work closely with young professionals helping them understand what a typical role in Technology offers and what success looks like. I am currently mentoring a brilliant young mentee who aspires to grow in the field of cybersecurity. I truly believe in addition to being passionate about the work you do, building a motivating ecosystem around you with inspiring people, positive attitude and growth opportunities helps you to be a better professional. That’s the message I try to convey!

Why should female talents apply to SKF?

– I think it’s vital that female talents learn and aspire to make their place and voices heard in the field of technology and innovation. In addition to being an esteemed global organization, SKF believes in growing along with their employees by offering various growth opportunities, both personally and professionally. We have a diverse pool of talent and expertise from different walks of life which serves as a great source of inspiration. There is so much to learn each day, every day. Such an opportunity should surely be seized!

Text: Sara Schedin


SKF är ett globalt hållbarhetssträvande företag som erbjuder lösningar runt den roterande axeln. I kärnan av verksamheten, som etablerades för mer än 100 år, finns lager, tätningar, mekatronik, smörjsystem och service. Det strategiska fokuset, som kommer göra SKF snabbare och mer beslutskraftigt, ligger inom områdena Digital försäljning, Nya affärsmodeller, Innovation, Tillverkning i världsklass, Framtida medarbetaren och Cleantech.

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