

“Diversity is our greatest strength”


Text: Sara Schedin

Foto: Felicia Yllenius

From her diverse career journey to her dedication to empowering women in tech, Vaijayanti Mala Sistla, a Senior Solutions Developer at SEB, is part of an innovative environment where collaboration and creativity drive progress.

“At SEB, I’m fortunate to work alongside a talented team where we come together to drive positive change and improve the customer experience. The most meaningful part of my daily work is that I really know and can see that my work positively affects the end user. It’s all about using technology to make banking simpler, smarter, and more inclusive.” 

Making a difference 

Mala’s career has taken her from India to Ireland and finally to SEB in Sweden. Whether she’s modernising legacy systems or exploring the latest tech trends like AI integration, Mala thrives on the dynamism of her work and is driven by a desire to create innovative solutions that improve the customer experience. 


“SEB is a place where each day can bring new challenges and opportunities to learn. From collaborating with colleagues to diving into new projects, there’s always something new on the horizon.” 


“By leveraging the latest tech and working together as a team, we’re able to deliver solutions that truly make a difference in people’s lives.” 

Empowering women in tech 

Outside of her specific role, Mala is passionate about empowering women in tech. As a co-founder of SEB’s Tech Female Network, she is dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive community for women in the industry. Through networking events, mentorship, and collaborative projects, Mala and her colleagues are working to level the playing field and foster a more diverse and inclusive tech landscape. 


“Diversity is our greatest strength,” Mala explains. “By bringing together people from different backgrounds and perspectives, we’re able to tackle challenges more effectively and drive innovation forward.” 

Taking on a new role 

As Mala looks to the future, she’s excited about the opportunities ahead. She’s gearing up to take on a new role as a Business Analyst and Integration Solutions Responsible.  


With this new challenge, Mala will see a bigger picture, have the chance to engage with a broader set of stakeholders, work with technical solutions, and support the development teams for integrations. 


“The future of banking is filled with endless possibilities. At SEB, we’re pioneers in innovation, and I’m thrilled to be part of a team that’s driving positive change and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.” 


SEB är en ledande nordeuropeisk finansiell koncern med internationell räckvidd. Vårt syfte är att positivt forma framtiden med ansvarsfull rådgivning och kapital, idag och för framtida generationer. Genom att samarbeta med våra kunder vill vi vara en ledande katalysator i omställningen till en mer hållbar värld. I Sverige och i de baltiska länderna erbjuder vi ett stort spann av finansiella tjänster och rådgivning. I Danmark, Finland, Norge, Tyskland och Storbritannien är vi inriktade på företagsaffären och investment banking utifrån ett fullservicekoncept till företag och institutioner. Vår internationella prägel återspeglas genom vår närvaro i mer än 20 länder världen över med cirka 17 500 medarbetare. Läs mer:

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SEB Placeringar



Data/IT Senior


Ekonomi senior


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