Business Sweden

“I enjoy working with diverse tasks in multifaceted teams”


Text: Sara Schedin

Foto: Business Sweden

At Business Sweden the world is your workplace. André Hedberg is based at the organization’s Dubai office but travels regularly to different countries in the Middle East to help Swedish companies with their internationalization.

André Hedberg’s career at Business Sweden started two years ago when he was accepted to the organization’s one-year long global trainee program, which includes two international rotations. He spent the first six months as a trainee in Business Sweden’s Casablanca office covering North and West Africa. After that, he continued to the Hague, where he worked in the office covering the Benelux region.  

– When the trainee program finished, I was offered the opportunity to go to our Middle East hub in Dubai, and that’s where I’m still located today. After a few months as an Associate in Dubai, I was promoted to the second level on our career path and became a Consultant

André Hedberg

Titel: Consultant.


Education: Dual MScin Business and Management and International Development, Stockholm School of Economics and Sciences Po, 2017.


What is your favourite spot in Dubai? “Dubai is truly a diverse and international place, and as a result of that I think you can carry out and find peers for practically any hobby or interest you might have. I enjoy being outdoors and enjoying Dubai’s wonderful nature. My two favorite spots for that are Kite Beach in Jumeirah and the Al Marmoom Desert next to Al Qudra.” 

What do you do as a Consultant?

– As a Consultant for Business Sweden in the Middle East, I support Swedish companies that want to grow their international revenue in the region. My daily tasks vary a lot and I am both involved in larger projects as part of a project team, and at the same time, I am also leading some projects myself. I really enjoy being able to support the companies, in close collaboration with our embassies around the region and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Stockholm.  

Tell us about a project that you have worked on!

 – One example of a project that I was involved in earlier this year, was a  stakeholder engagement project in Jordan, where we mapped the stakeholder landscape in the Jordanian energy sector on behalf of an innovative Swedish company specialized within the field of solar energy. We supported the company to explore the Jordanian market further, by introducing them to local stakeholders and decision-makers.    

“The opportunities to rotate within the organization are many”

Tell us more about the international aspect of working at Business Sweden

– We have around 50 offices worldwide and are covering all markets around the world. Hence, the opportunities to rotate within the organization are many, and there are also lots of opportunities to travel for work. As an example, from our Middle Eastern hub in Dubai, we cover 13 countries and –  if our projects require it – travel for the purpose of gathering information and meeting local stakeholders.  

What do you enjoy the most about working at Business Sweden?

– The best part is the diversity of my role and the amount of responsibility that I am given despite being relatively junior. I also love the company culture and diversity. I believe that there is a great sense of unity within Business Sweden, both here in Dubai and also across the globe. Every time I meet a new colleague from around the world, I am always struck by how kind and professional everyone is.  

Business Sweden

Business Sweden hjälper svenska företag att öka sin globala försäljning och internationella företag investera och expandera i Sverige. För svenska företag gör vi det genom att korta tid till marknad, hitta nya intäktsströmmar och minska risk. För internationella företag gör vi det genom att hitta nya affärsmöjligheter, öka kapitalavkastningen och vara ett opartiskt stöd. Med nätverk på alla nivåer erbjuder vi strategisk rådgivning och handfast support. Business Sweden är representerade i hela Sverige och har kontor på över 50 av världens mest intressanta marknader. Business Sweden har cirka 500 medarbetare varav ca 400 arbetar i utlandet. Läs mer:

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