

“Each leap of faith has propelled me forward”


Text: Sara Schedin

Foto: Felicia Yllenius

In the fast-paced world of financial markets, where every market movement mirrors global dynamics, Jenny Jacobi, Head of Fixed Income, Currencies, and Commodities (FICC) Strategy and Steering at SEB, finds her passion and her place.

With a career spanning over a decade and a half at SEB, Jenny Jacobi has transitioned from a background in trading and risk management to a leadership role in FICC markets.

“I joined SEB in 2007, fresh from the Royal Institute of Technology, where I studied financial mathematics within the Mechanical Engineering Masters programme. Although finance and trading wasn’t initially on my radar, SEB’s stellar reputation drew me in. My entry into finance was somewhat accidental. A friend recommended me for a part-time student role at SEB’s trading floor, and before I knew it, I was immersed in the dynamic world of trading,” Jenny explains.

“We need various perspectives and personalities”

Trading and risk management have typically been male-dominated areas. However, Jenny explains that they are seeing a shift.


“SEB is actively promoting diversity and inclusion, encouraging women to pursue careers in finance. But diversity is of course not just about gender; it’s also about diversity of thought and embracing various perspectives and personalities.”


For the first thirteen years of her career, Jenny was fully focused on trading and risk management, navigating the complexities of market dynamics.


“I was a trader until I had my second child, and after that, I sought more flexibility. It wasn’t solely about that; I believed the organization could adjust to accommodate my continued role as a trader. However, having been a trader and specialist for so long, I felt this was an ideal time for a personal shift. Upon returning from my second maternity leave, I expressed my desire to try something new to my manager. They were supportive, and I embraced the opportunity to transition into a broader business management role. While I started as somewhat of a junior compared to my previous role, this shift opened numerous doors for me and allowed me to connect with a wide array of stakeholders within the bank. I’m incredibly grateful for that decision.”

Insights into the world’s pulse

According to Jenny, it’s the immediacy and interconnectedness with global events that sets working in FICC Markets at SEB apart. 


“Every market movement tells a story, offering insights into the world’s pulse. The allure of working in financial markets lies in their dynamism and the opportunity to support our clients and society to navigate the market shifts as well as to collaborate with diverse talents throughout the bank. The fast-paced nature of financial markets fosters innovation and growth. As leaders, it’s our task to cultivate a culture of collaboration, resilience and adaptability,” she emphasises.

Stepping out of your comfort zone

Jenny’s journey underscores the transformative power of embracing change and seizing opportunities when you have a supportive culture. 


“SEB encourages open dialogue, empowering employees to voice their perspectives and embrace change. Through initiatives like rotation programmes and mentorship, we are empowered to chart our career paths.”


“Daring to step out of your comfort zone is the key to personal and professional growth,” she advises. Each leap of faith has propelled me forward, enriching my journey and expanding my horizons.”


SEB är en ledande nordeuropeisk finansiell koncern med internationell räckvidd. Vårt syfte är att positivt forma framtiden med ansvarsfull rådgivning och kapital, idag och för framtida generationer. Genom att samarbeta med våra kunder vill vi vara en ledande katalysator i omställningen till en mer hållbar värld. I Sverige och i de baltiska länderna erbjuder vi ett stort spann av finansiella tjänster och rådgivning. I Danmark, Finland, Norge, Tyskland och Storbritannien är vi inriktade på företagsaffären och investment banking utifrån ett fullservicekoncept till företag och institutioner. Vår internationella prägel återspeglas genom vår närvaro i mer än 20 länder världen över med cirka 17 500 medarbetare. Läs mer: sebgroup.com/career

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