

Schibsted: A company that offers versatility and opportunity to all its employees


Text: Fridah Jönsson

Foto: Schibsted

At Schibsted, traditional media meets an aspirational spirit with a focus on new technology. It’s all about a dynamic culture, a high level of commitment and a great deal of pride amongst employees.

Schibsted is an international family of digital consumer brands. We consist of traditional media like Aftonbladet, SvD, Aftenposten and VG, marketplaces like Blocket and Finn and new startup companies like Lendo and Prisjakt. Lena Berlin Stålhammar runs the company’s employer branding work and explains that the variety of companies within the Schibsted family are one of its most significant attraction points.

Lena Berlin Stålhammar

Title: Director of Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition Strategy.

Education: Örebro University, Human resources, Sociology, graduated 2004.

My dream interview would be with: Karen Blixen, about her life in Kenya.


Why is Schibsted a popular company?

– Schibsted has a leading role in the digital market with a big impact on societal development. As a Schibsted employee, you work with platforms that are important cornerstones for a democratic and sustainable society. We want to help people make conscious choices and our slogan “Empowering people in their daily lives” is a mission that our employees believe in. Our companies and their products are well known and used by millions of people every day which also contributes to the feeling of making a difference.

The media and startup industry can often be challenging. How do you ensure that Schibsted has a good and healthy work culture?

– All companies in the group have their own unique culture, from the newspapers’ long history and strong pride to the newer startup companies where the focus is on growth. The mix creates a dynamic culture where we collaborate across company boundaries and functions. Something that permeates across Schibsted is our focus on innovation. We constantly develop products and working methods, and the feeling of daring to try and daring to fail is engrained in our culture.

In what way is development encouraged in the company?

– The opportunities for development are endless, and we work actively with internal mobility to offer our employees opportunities within the group. In our Learning Lab, there are training sessions and lectures as well as internal mentoring programs and advisory boards. We also have a strong focus on health and personal development and offer activities such as running groups, mindfulness and choir singing. It’s also important to mention that the word “career” does not have to mean that you climb upwards, it can also mean that you broaden your knowledge in a particular area or move to a similar role at another company within the group.

What do you look forward to in 2021?

– Although millions of people use our services, many of them don’t know what Schibsted is. I’m really looking forward to continuing telling the story about Schibsted and “life at Schibsted” and to get more talents curious about us! Until then, my tip is to listen to Schibsted Talks, a podcast where representatives from our companies dive deep into various topics and talk about what their everyday life looks like.


A family of digital consumer brands with strong Nordic presence leading the way across media, online marketplaces and technology ventures. Number of employees - 5000.

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