
Tetra Pak

“We have the power to shape a greener future”


Lund 230512
Mariona Ribas Garigga på Tetra Pak.
Foto: André de Loisted

Foto: Julia Sjöberg

As a development engineer at Tetra Pak, Mariona Ribas Garriga is part of shaping a sustainable future.

Mariona Ribas Garriga, a material science and technology graduate, left Spain in 2018 to pursue her master’s program at Luleå University of Technology. Her thesis focused on evaluating natural arctic berry wax for green packaging solutions. Today, she works at Tetra Pak, where she develops the next generation of sustainable materials.


– When I saw the job offer at Tetra Pak’s Future Talent Program, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to work on developing innovative materials for the future, she explains

Wide range of roles

During her two-year trainee program, Mariona experienced a wide range of roles within Tetra Pak, gaining insights into the company’s full value chain.


– I worked with sourcing raw materials, developing filling machines, and even joined teams closer to the market. It was enriching to get a glimpse of the packaging industry and build a strong network of peers.

”I am surrounded by smart people.”

“It’s very inspiring”

As a Development Engineer, Mariona continues to thrive at Tetra Pak, addressing complex challenges in sustainable packaging.


– I enjoy developing innovative solutions and collaborating with experts from various fields. Learning from my colleagues, who are experts in material science and environmental policies, is very inspiring. Tetra Pak’s culture and commitment to learning have also left a profound impact on Mariona.


– The workplace is diverse and supportive, and I am surrounded by smart people. I appreciate the opportunities for continuous learning, from technical aspects to inspirational topics.



Mariona Ribas Garriga

Title: Development Engineer.

Education: Master in material science and technology, Luleå University of Technology, graduation 2019.

What do you enjoy most about living in Sweden? “I love the country’s natural beauty and enjoy exploring its landscapes, particularly while hiking around Skåne. Additionally, I value the work-life balance that Sweden provides, allowing me to enjoy both my professional pursuits and personal interests.”

A rewarding job

Mariona’s strong conviction regarding the significance of her work shines through in her words:


– I believe that working with solutions that have a positive impact on the planet and touch the lives of many is truly fulfilling. It’s incredibly rewarding to have the opportunity to contribute to this every single day. She concludes:


– Through collaboration and innovative thinking, we have the power to shape a greener future in the packaging industry.

Text: Sara Schedin

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak is the world's leading provider of processing and packaging solutions for the food industry. Together, our 25,000 employees work closely with customers and suppliers to offer safe and innovative products with the lowest possible environmental impact. Find out more:

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